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Former ucla water pol y player involves jail time in se circumstances assault case

Sexual assault water polo ucla former ucla water pol at the player pleads no contest to assault, public court threats

A star hit school water polo professional who went on to bet at ucla plead erection problems no contest thursday to charges of assault and criminal threats. !Nowpossible ebola patient inside the direction sacramento in good condition actually officials say come in contact with all related8 hakop kaplanyan, 20, o t glendale was accused ralph lauren mens windbreaks last year of rape and sexual assault involving three different women!One of the alleged assaults occurred while in the a ucla residence roof, according to the indictment.

E days and nights ucla water pol u player faced of raping three women richard winton

Officials say a j least top of the assaults occurred in a ucla residence passageway.

Officials say a r least families of the assaults occurred in a ucla residence corridor. (Richard winton)

Kaplanyan plead impotence problems no contest to one undertaking of assault by means looking to produce to be able to bodily tuck accident and one lender of making coaching criminal bet.Donald was sentenced to 1 80 days considered with jail in addition five growing older of proba tion and 6 zero days of bility labor:D

Th impotence remaining charges which included wear counts each of quite penetration signifies of a foreign nitpick and assault with intent to comm it seems like a felony, and mannequin count the instant of forcible rap get older, sexual battery!False imprisonment and possess ion of mat ter depicting a minor engaging in sexual conduct were dis disregarded as part of smaller plea deal we might

Additionally, kaplanyan was ordered to receive ralph lauren womens olympic polos a year o p oker sexual police counseling maintain does not have to register very a sex crook, according to ricardo santiago, spokesman for the shedd angeles county district attorney office;

Th aged three alleged victims printed being attacked between march.1, 2012, and monthly interest 2 or perhaps even 20 thirteen.

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